Recycle Your Heirloom Jewellery
When chatting about custom jewellery design with our customers, one of the first things we ask is if there are any heirloom stones or metal that we can use to help create a new & special piece. When it makes sense, it can be a really beautiful process of remembrance and transformation.
There are countless ways to make use of your inherited jewellery. For instance, the stones can be removed and used right away, saved for another project, or passed along to another relative. It can be nice to use the side stones in a grandchild’s first pair of earrings perhaps? Or a bride’s wedding necklace. Often we melt the gold and create an organic, raw casting. The natural shape of which will dictate what it wants to be; a necklace, pendant or earrings. In many situations, the original pieces simply need to be refurbished or rebuilt for them to last another generation.
It is so often not the actual piece that is important but the story that it carries with it. When you decide to re-work or re-purpose your heirloom jewellery not only are you making a cost effective and environmentally responsible decision, but perhaps more importantly you’re writing another chapter in the life of your precious memories.
A client’s pile of treasures, before we cut out the stones and set to melting…

Creating an ingot at the work bench….
A rough sketch of a potential lay out of the stones….

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